The following rules and regulations must be strictly followed by the candidates. Failure to adhere to these regulations, will lead to debar from future exams and withholding of the test score

  1. Candidates must carry those items which are allowed inside the examination hall
  2. Aspirants must follow the PATHS dress code specified here under on the exam day without fail.
  3. Barred items are strictly prohibited inside the PATHS exam centre. Candidates must adhere to the rules and regulations issued by the IEPTO or the test center
  4. PATHS exam is conducted ONLINE OR PEN PAPER MODE,
  5. Candidates are advised to use the keyboard / IT and other infrastructure properly, as they will be held responsible for any loss or damage
  6. Aspirants are advised not to talk to any other candidate inside the examination hall or assist in any kind of malpractice as these will be dealt legally
  7. Candidates must not write anything on PATHS 2024 admit card as it is a mandatory document and all details must be visible to the PATHS officials.
  8. No changes should be made in the photograph uploaded while filling out the application form and the one affixed on the admit card

Things to carry at the exam centre

The following items must be kept inside the PATHS 2024 examination hall by the candidates

  1. Valid ID proof - PAN card, Aadhaar card, Voter ID, Driving License, Passport, Ration card
  2. PATHS admit card 2024
  3. Personal transparent water bottle
  4. Dark Pencil & Eraser
  5. Calculators are not allowed

Things NOT to carry at the exam centre Barred items

If any of the following item will be found in possession of a candidate, it will be treated as unfair means. Refer to the table below to check the barred items list.

Stationery items

  1. Text material (printed or written)
  2. Bits of papers
  3. Geometry/pencil box
  4. Plastic pouch
  5. Calculator
  6. Pen
  7. Scale
  8. Writing pad
  9. Pen drives
  10. Log table
  11. Electronic pen/scanner, etc.
  12. Communication devices
  13. Mobile phone
  14. Bluetooth
  15. Earphones
  16. Microphone
  17. Pager
  18. Health band, etc.
  19. Watch/wristwatch
  20. Camera, etc.
  21. Any edible item opened or packed excluding transparent water bottle without cover.
  22. Goggles
  23. Handbags
  24. Cap
  25. Scarf

PATHS Dress code

Aspirants will have to follow the dress code at the examination centre. Candidates can check the guidelines related to the dress code as mentioned below.

  1. All aspirants must wear light clothes with half sleeves. Candidates with long-sleeved attire will not be permitted
  2. Candidates with cultural/customary dress must reach the examination centre at least one hour before the reporting time to help in proper frisking. This is to avoid any inconvenience to the candidates and at the same time maintain the sanctity of the examination

PATHS Exam day guidelines

The following PATHS 2024 exam day guidelines must be followed by aspirants to avoid the risk of cancellation of the candidature. The instructions for PATHS exam are given below.

  1. Candidates must not carry items such as wallets, mobile phones to the exam hall as there will be no arrangement made at PATHS exam centres for keeping, such items
  2. Candidates will be provided with the Computer infrastructure
  3. Candidates are advised to reach the examination hall on or before half hour to the allotted time
  4. Only PATHS admit card, passport size photograph and valid ID proof will be permitted to carry inside the examination hall
  5. Candidates will be allowed to exit after the exam timings are over. No candidate will be allowed to leave the room before the concluding time.
  6. If candidates opting for a regional language as a medium to answer the questions face any difficulty in understanding the question, its English translation will be considered final
  7. After the verification of documents, the invigilator will locate the candidate’s seat in the seating area and inform the PATHS candidate about his/her PC number
  8. In order to avoid trouble through crowding at the PATHS UG examination centre entrance, candidates will be given staggered time slots for reporting. Aspirants should reach their exam centre about 30 minutes before at their mentioned reporting time.